
Coaching can be a really useful tool for your recovery.

Many of the principles and tools are the same for recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, compulsive spending, eating, and sexuality. It is not counseling or treatment.  It is a process where a coach imparts information and tools for self-discovery and a successful recovery.  Coaching can take place in person or over the phone.  Coaching cannot replace the information that is present in face to face sessions.  Coaching is more present and future focused on helping someone achieve a goal (recovery and sobriety).  Counseling is more past, present, and future.  Coaching is helping you get more wellness while Counseling helps you heal from a disorder or trauma. Both processes will be confidential.  Counseling can be billed to insurance.  Coaching cannot as there is no diagnosis and many times is done over the phone. One has to be a place of recovery where coaching is going to be effective.  If one is struggling with depression/anxiety, suicidal thoughts or is at a place where counseling would be more appropriate, coaching at this point isn’t recommended.  We may all need counseling from time to time during rough spots in our life.  After we move from the rough spots to the more level ground we can move towards coaching.

Counseling is more about healing, diagnosis, and can be past oriented.

Coaching is more about reaching goals (getting sober) and is more future-oriented.

Many people do not recover because they do not have:

1. Motivation (want to recover)

2. Knowledge (how to recover)

3. Action (steps to recover) Coaching can help with all three.

Coaching Agreement in PDF format.  Please mail or fax to me. The fax number is on the bottom of the form.

You can pay either with a credit card through the phone or through PayPal.

Use this button to pay using PayPal for a coaching session.  The cost is $150. 

You can pay either with a credit card through the phone or through PayPal.

Use this button to pay using PayPal for a coaching session.  The cost is $150. 

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