What is Biofeedback of the Brain or Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is EEG biofeedback training of the brain. Biofeedback is really rooted in how we learn. When riding a bicycle, we learn at first how to balance, steer and pedal. It is overwhelming at first, but most of us learn how to do this. We get feedback when we are learning to much which tells our brains, “hey, not this much leaning” until we automatically stay upright. How did this happen?
Through feedback that we have received through our senses. Similarly, our brains can learn how to enter a certain brainwave state when it receives auditory and visual feedback. Our brains can see itself in action, in “real” time, it can make changes. Electrodes or sensors are placed on the scalp to measure the EEG brainwaves. The Neurofeedback equipment translates EEG (Electroencephalograph) into moving art and sound. When your brain is in the zone (what you are training for, the brain received more favorable feedback. When it is out of the zone, it is less favorable or interesting. This is pretty universal in that we like to look and listen to things that are interesting and we are like to avoid things that are boring.
How can Neurofeedback be helpful?
When you come into the counseling you want to make changes in your life. You might be struggling with anxiety, stress or depression. You might have a troubled relationship or compulsion or addiction. Neurofeedback can help by a process of brain training. Counseling and talk therapy help make changes by changing thought patterns and behaviors. Neurofeedback works at a different level by helping you make changes in your life by training your brainwaves. The brain is an incredibly complex organ and it has more neuronal circuits than stars in the universe. (put in the number Erik) Thirty percent of our daily calorie intake goes to feed the brain which weighs only about 3 pounds. Any changes that occur in one’s life are reflected in changes in the brain.
How Neurofeedback Works
Addiction Recovery
Effects of an EEG Biofeedback Protocol on a Substance Abuse Population – study with 121 substance abusers after treatment with Neurofeedback with 12 step group demonstrated a 77% abstinent rate compared with 44% with control group. Significant improvements were noticed after 13 sessions with Beta/SMR training and after Alpha training clinical scores were reduced in the MMPI-2. (The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 31:455–469, 2005)
Applicability of brain wave biofeedback to substance use disorder in adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. (Trudeau DL. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan;14(1):125-36, vii. Review.)
Alterations in EEG amplitude, personality factors, and brain electrical mapping after alpha-theta brainwave training: a controlled case study of an alcoholic in recovery. Fahrion SL, Walters ED, Coyne L, Allen T. Source Menninger Clinic, Topeka, KS 66601. (Alcoholism Clinical and Experiment Research. 1992 Jun;16(3):547-52.)
Neurofeedback Training for Opiate Addiction-Improvement Mental Healh Craving.pdf
Alpha-Theta EEG Biofeedback for Anxiety and Psychopathology Study with Native Canadians shows positive results in 60 minutes of biofeedback over 7 days.
Neurofeedback for Anxiety – Dr. Corey Hammond It is a review of literature of studies are are promising for using Neurofeedback with anxiety. This was published in the Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2005 Jan; 14 (1): 105-23, vii.
Anxiety change through electroencephalographic alpha training
Biofeedback treatments of generalized anxiety disorder Preliminary results
Neurofeedback Outcomes with Aspergers and Autism 150 patients with Aspergers and 9 patients with Autism participated in longitudinal study over 15 years. Neurofeedback combined with other support services was an effective treatment reducing symptoms. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2010 Mar;35(1):63-81. doi: 10.1007/s10484-009-9120-3
Attention Deficit Disorder
The Role of Neurofeedback in treatment of ADHD – article on how Neurofeedback is used in treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder
Depression correlated with Body Posture – article relates depression levels with Body Posture, slouching while playing video games, Heart Rate Variability (HRV Biofeedback) and exercise.
Sexual Addiction
Traumatic Brain Injury
Neurofeedback Research on the Alpha State
Dr. Les Fehmi with Open Focus -Video on his discovery how “letting go” and “surrendering” increased Alpha Brain Wave activity. Princeton Biofeedback Centre
Comprehensive Neurofeedback Bibliography – D.Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.
Neurofeedback in the News/Media
- Drugless ADHD therapy touted – Scottsdale Republic